It's June.... the beginning of kite season in Brazil. The sky of Belo Horizonte is full of kites. Every where you go you will see little groups of kids, teenagers and adults together, they could be on the street, in a park, on top of roofs, I even see them in the graveyard in front of my house, all of them studying the sky. As you look up, and follow their gaze you will see that each one is watching a kite. What I find interesting is that there could be 5 boys together but just one kite, the thrill is not just in flying the kite but also watching it fly in the sky. They will have competitions to see if they can cut the line of another kite. If the line is cut, there is shouts and confusion, the sounds of feet in flipflops running down the street, as each boy runs in the direction of where the kite will land. First one there, wins the kite!!
It is a wonderful sensation..... watching a kite in the sky flying to and fro.... the freedom the kite has as it floats in the wind, as it rises higher and higher.
The Irony is that at this moment there is not much freedom here on the streets of the Brazil with the kids that I work with on a daily basis. The world cup will be here next year and next week will start the Confederation Cup. The government is using this time as a practise for next year on 'how to clean up the streets of Belo Horizonte.' When I say clean up, I am not talking about the rubbish you find, I am talking about the people living and running wild on the streets and in the favelas.
It's a sad situation, when you look to the kites in the sky flying with as much freedom as they desire but yet there are so many we know that are behind bars with no freedom at all and with a future unclear. Please pray for us as we enter this new time in our work, pray that doors continue to open and that as we visit these individuals that God will give us guidance on how to handle each situation. Pray that we will be light in the dark places.
"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me." Matthew 25:35-36
Wow. Sad but beautiful. I'm sure this is not just a human solution to a complicated situation; this is what God spoke about to the team of Resgate 4,5 years ago!! He told us to wait on Him and be patient and then He would open the doors for the team to visit the youngsters in prison. Impressive! God is faithful. Be blessed!!