The Rock House (YWAM where Nico works) received a team of six from Holland/Belgium, and two volunteers, one from Northern Ireland and the other from the states. Also we had the pleasure of my cousin Andrew coming for a week. Since Nico would be alone to manage all that, and I am still searching God's heart for me here at this time, I decided to stick around full-time at the Rock House to be a support in whatever way I could. It's been all go and very tiring but we have had a blast!
Let me share some of the activities we have been involved with during this time!
But I think for each of us, it was the day at the rehab, for about forty men with addictions, was the most impacting and rewarding. We arrived in the morning and spent time blessing the house as we swept the paths and driveway, raked leaves and did some general cleaning. After, the boys enjoyed a game of football against the men which was great fun and put their football skills to the test!
Wow! Our God is good!
This rehab is a contact we have for those we come in contact with in the community and on the street who want to change their life, so it was great to spend a day there serving them and strengthening our relationship there.
We were able to accomplish many things with the group and volunteers and this was such a blessing for the Rock House, but don't worry it wasn't all work and no play.... we managed to do some fun things with the group such as spending the day at the park, seeing a football game, playing card games and eating some brazilian dessert etc.
We (Nico and I) would like to thank each person who came, who helped, who participated, who prayed, who supported etc. We are so overwhelmed by how faithful our God is to bring teams and volunteers who help the work in an incredible way and to inspire people to pray and to give which also furthers the work. Thank you!
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