For about four years now the Rescue House has been teaching english in a 'detention centre' (prison) for teenage boys. It is always an enjoyable afternoon despite the long drive there. We have had the opportunity to teach these boys not just english... english was our 'open door' to bring the gospel to these precious boys. Through the lessons and through our presence there we bring joy to the boys, a new way of learning, encouragement, raising their self-esteems, finding their value and sharing God and much more.
We can see our relationship with this institution growing and developing. This year I haven't been going as often as last year, with so much work and so many other areas to address, I stepped back a little but continued to go as often as I could... especially when a driver was needed!
Two guards came checking the house out, advising us on hiding knives, scissors, sharp things etc .... these boys are coming from a prison and top thing on their minds... escape!! After protocol and the 'go-ahead' we decided on a date and got to planning.
Wednesday 31st July 2013 was a busy but a wonderful day. Many preparations were done, I felt like we were all little ants running around building our castle...
At 11am, I headed out in the kombi solo to get the boys. four boys and three guards piled into the kombi, excited!! Freedom from their cells.
On arrival we began our plan... as usual... when you pray "God's will be done" he takes over... and that's a good thing!! We shared about YWAM, our work here in the Rescue House and showed a little video. Then Edivando, a guy who passed through the Restoration House and later became the leader of this project came to share his testimony. The boys... and guards... were so interested and asked many questions! It was a great time to really minister into their lives.
We had made a 'Prayer Box' for the boys, if they wanted to write something specific for us to remember them in prayer, they jumped at the chance, even a guard wrote some prayer requests (we found out, the 3 guards with us were Christians! What a blessing!)
Some requests....
I hope for a better life. I am planning in changing my life. I need someone who can support me. |
I would like that you pray for my family. For me too because sometimes I find it difficult to seek God's word (read the bible). |
WOW, amazing how God is moving in the lives of these boys. How God is using this difficult time to really speak to them and change their lives around.
The afternoon finished with some games and then an english lesson. The english was all about requesting food... "I want tea and cake." We had an english style snack provided for them - tea, coffee, juice, scones, cake and sandwiches with Egg, ham or cheese. It was great to see them coming to the table and speaking in english to request something to eat or drink. The boys were unsure of the tea... especially the idea of adding milk and NO sugar... but they were open to experiment!!
We prayed for them at the end and left them each with a card with their name and it's meaning and a verse that God had spoken for them during our intercession time in the morning!
As I returned them to the detention centre in the kombi, I asked them for a mark out of 10 on how they liked they day, one said 10!! and 100!! Another, "It was so good I want to sing hymns to God!!"So the kombi became filled with joyful spirits, singing worship songs and laughing. Until of course we arrived back at the unit where they would have to return to their cells, but I believe they didn't return to their cells the same person who left... how can you after a day like that. God is moving in these boys lives and it is an honour to see him work.
Please pray for these boys and each boy who comes to the class, praising God for their lives and the opportunity they have to hear Gods word. Pray also for the next "English class outing" which we hope will be 14th August. "Thank you God for such a successful afternoon."