
Sunday, 17 November 2013

Rubber gloves and a lot of water!!

A few weeks ago we had the honour of serving a grandmother from a family we work with from one of the slums, by cleaning her house... or should I say blitzing her house!! 
The AMAZING cleaning team (Rescue House and Restoration House)
I spoke about this grandmother last year when I had the opportunity to speak in the Prayer meeting at Ballynahinch Baptist Church. She has been left to look after 10 grandchildren (8 still live with her at home) ... all abandoned by their mother. And 2 great-grandchildren whose mother is addicted to crack. 

Juventina with 2 grand-sons and 2 great grand-daughters
(the girl in the black is the girlfriend of the guy in the orange)
This grandmother has not been able to cope with all this responsibility as she also has many health issues. But this year we have seen many changes. The two youngest grandchildren (aged 10 and 11) have moved in with their dad (who previously rejected them due to his girlfriends wishes). One of the twins has been given a semi-prison sentence (can visit home every weekend) and he is completing it really well. The mum of the 2 great-grand-children has decided to go to a rehab to recuperate so she can return home and be responsible for her two girls - we will take her this Tuesday - please pray.

Mateus and Lucas

Two of the older grand-sons have got jobs and are at least being responsible for their own lives. Unfortunately Jenifer and one of the twin boys are still on the streets and using a lot of drugs.

Many changes so far.. but still a lot of conquering to be done. But our God is a patient God and looking back we can see His hand at work over this family. Please continue praying for this family and praise God for the changes so far!

As a way of serving this family we got our rubber gloves on and went for the day to clean... and it needed it!! There was much cleaning done and a lot of water throwing not just on the floor but also on the team itself! A lot of fun! Then we finished the day with reading scripture in the house and praying all around the house and praying for those living and not living there! And we prayed for Dayane - the grand-daughter addicted to crack and already with 2 little daughters. Here are a few photos that documented our day! 


Praying especially for Dayane against her addiction to crack and for her 2 daughters.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

...and RELAX!!!!

We as YWAM Belo Horizonte had the wonderful opportunity to RELAX on friday the 18th of October. God put on the hearts of a local church to CARE for missionaries serving in their city! They arranged a day away for all of us, including some other organisations such as WEC. It was a great day!

We had an early start as we had to arrive there for breakfast... driving an hour - which turned into an hour and half as we got lost.... and so did every single car or kombi trying to arrive!!! But once we arrived at the Camp we were well received with smiles, hugs and a great breakfast.

In the morning we worshipped and received a word from the Pastor. Then we split up to get to know others from other organisations and pray together. It was a wonderful morning.

After a tasty lunch and some good chatter we had the chance to RELAX! The place was beautiful. There was a lot of space. The boys played football and the kids swam in the swimming pool. There were many activities provided also if we wanted: massage, hair cut, manicure, we could chat to a doctor, dentist, lawyer, social worker, pscyologist, pastor etc. The day finished of with some more worship and fantastic snack; hotdogs, cake and sweets!!!

I had fun painting all the kids nails!!
Even some of the kids got a new hair cut
Overall, it was a day in which we all felt: BLESSED! It is so nice to feel served for a whole day and to just spend a day enjoying each others company! Hands up who wants another 'Missionary Day'!!!! Praise be to God who takes care of all our needs (the sun even came out near the end of the day!)!

Sunday, 13 October 2013

God moves again...

Second camp for some boys who lived in the Restoration House.

The aim of these camps is to bring the boys together - to remind them they are not forgotten, to encourage them to continue strong amidst the difficulties, to encourage them to keep running toward their goals, but most of all to fill them with the word of God.... (so they can do all thee above!!)

We had another wonderful camp in September, on the Sunday morning God moved in an incredible way. I was afraid to get my hopes up that the same thing would happen.... but God showed up, again, as usual, and moved again in an incredible way. 

We had a time of praying for them and praying specifically against the 'demon of drugs'. We ministered, we washed feet, we prayed individually, we shared scripture, we told them they were wonderfully made and finished the morning by praying and singing. I love to watch God move... it is so exciting...!!

Watch this little movie to capture the amazing time we had.... 

Friday, 4 October 2013

"No speak English!"

The Rescue House has been running an afternoon 'English Class' in a juvenile detention centre for teenage boys aged between 14 and 19, for 5 years now. The intention of these classes is ... to teach english... and so much more! Build confidence, renew a desire to learn, perseverance, dream again etc ... but most important - to share Gods love for them. To teach them God has a better plan for their lives, but they need to choose to follow Him.

A new project this year was for the boys to have a goal at completing at least 10 classes and then they could participate in a graduation and receive certificates. Two weeks ago we had the graduation IN THE RESCUE HOUSE! Six boys completed more than 10 classes and 5 of them came for the graduation (the 6th boy is now completing a course in the afternoons and so could not participate).

The 5 boys came with 3 guards (from the detention centre) to our house it was so special for them, they even put on their best clothes for the event! We were super excited to receive them in our house and perform a graduation especially for them.
A YWAM  missionary Felipe took photos for us during the day. He is very talented even with the limits of not being allowed to take photos of the boys faces! Thank you Felipe.
We started with a special word from Michelle (who has been heading up this project this year), then we handed out their certificates one at a time, by a different member from the Rescue House. Whilst presenting the boy with their certificate we took time to bless each boy with specific words of encouragement and then we prayed for the boy. We finished with some worship and then a tasty snack and a special cake! Here are some of the photos that capture how special the day was:


Friday, 27 September 2013

The Hand!

"A man fell into a pit and couldn’t get himself out.
SUBJECTIVE person came along and said: "I FEEL for you, down there."
An OBJECTIVE person came along and said:” It’s logical that someone would fall, down there."
CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST came along: "You only THINK that you are in a pit."
A PHARISEE said: "Only BAD people fall into a pit."
MATHEMATICIAN calculated HOW he fell into the pit.
A NEWS REPORTER wanted the exclusive story on his pit.
FUNDAMENTALIST said: "You DESERVE your pit."
CONFUCIUS said; "If you would have listened to me, you would not be in that pit."
said: "Your pit is only a state of mind."
A REALIST said: "That’s a PIT."
SCIENTIST calculated the pressure necessary (lbs./ to get him out of the pit.
A GEOLOGIST told him to appreciate the rock strata in the pit.
The COUNTY INSPECTOR asked if he had a permit to dig a pit.
The COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR came along and figured the taxes he owed on the pit.
PROFESSOR gave him a lecture on: "The Elementary Principles of the Pit."  A HEALTH AND WEALTH PREACHER said: "Just CONFESS that you’re not in a pit."
An OPTIMIST said: "Things COULD be worse."
A PESSIMIST said: "Things WILL get worse!!"
JESUS, seeing the man, took him by the hand and LIFTED HIM OUT of the pit." (author unknown)

As we walked away from the pit she began to cry. And she cried and cried. Amidst the tears she blurted out, "I always wanted out of that life but I couldn't do it by myself." Amidst the tears on the journey to the Rescue House she disclosed some of the horrors of the life she was leaving behind, stories from the pit she was climbing out off with the hand of God using us, the \rescue House.
"I haven't slept in four nights, I haven't eaten either... just drugs drugs drugs! I couldn't stop. The drug is good, that's the problem the 'wave' it gives you is good. But I knew that even though it felt good, it was bad, I was getting deeper and deeper.
I knew that house was so bad for me, the environment - everyone using drugs - day and night. At night there could be a hundred people or more in that tiny space using crack. It's so awful." She sobs again unable to speak.
Then, "In the middle of the night they all go out stealing to feed their addiction. The girls they prostitute themselves. Susie (name changed. it's her house were she was staying), she's only 13 years old.... it's so awful..." she sobs again... "and her mum lets her...." Sobbing again.
And it continues like this as we drive away from her pit (which is still a pit for so many). We ask her, "Are you ready to start a new life?" MORE than ready she cries!
She has started, the beginning was her decision to leave and then coming with us. We find her a place in a recovery home for women (she is 24 years old), Jerico  (the place Rafaela stayed from a previous blog).

"Noone would believe me. Noone believed it was possible that I would go." we affirm her decision, telling her God knew it was possible! God saw her in the pit and sent a hand to help her out.

Please pray for Stephanie. It is not easy to start a new life. To leave behind all that you know. Pray for strength and perserverance.

Monday, 5 August 2013

"Cup of tea, please," said the prison boy

Tea, scones and egg sandwiches.... can we BE any more British??!! This was a very unusual Wednesday afternoon, not just because it was a bit too British for the Brazilians.... in fact they loved the tea and scones!! Let me tell you why...

For about four years now the Rescue House has been teaching english in a 'detention centre' (prison) for teenage boys. It is always an enjoyable afternoon despite the long drive there. We have had the opportunity to teach these boys not just english... english was our 'open door' to bring the gospel to these precious boys. Through the lessons and through our presence there we bring joy to the boys, a new way of learning, encouragement, raising their self-esteems, finding their value and sharing God and much more. 

We can see our relationship with this institution growing and developing. This year I haven't been going as often as last year, with so much work and so many other areas to address, I stepped back a little but continued to go as often as I could... especially when a driver was needed! 

One of the boys this year came up with an idea.... we often talk about our house, The Rescue House, and our other work, the boys are always interested. So one day one of the boys said, "why can't we go there?!" This question, became an idea, the idea became a question, a possibility and last Wednesday it became a reality!!

Two guards came checking the house out, advising us on hiding knives, scissors, sharp things etc .... these boys are coming from a prison and top thing on their minds... escape!! After protocol and the 'go-ahead' we decided on a date and got to planning.

Wednesday 31st July 2013 was a busy but a wonderful day. Many preparations were done, I felt like we were all little ants running around building our castle...

At 11am, I headed out in the kombi solo to get the boys. four boys and three guards piled into the kombi, excited!! Freedom from their cells.
On arrival we began our plan... as usual... when you pray "God's will be done" he takes over... and that's a good thing!! We shared about YWAM, our work here in the Rescue House and showed a little video. Then Edivando, a guy who passed through the Restoration House and later became the leader of this project came to share his testimony. The boys... and guards... were so interested and asked many questions! It was a great time to really minister into their lives. 

We had made a 'Prayer Box' for the boys, if they wanted to write something specific for us to remember them in prayer, they jumped at the chance, even a guard wrote some prayer requests (we found out, the 3 guards with us were Christians! What a blessing!)

Some requests....
"I need to change my life, but I think the detention centre is afraid I will escape and run away. I want you to pray for me to bless my family and to ask God for people who will believe more in me. Thank you so much for helping me think more of my life.
I hope for a better life. I am planning in changing my life. I need someone who can support me.
I would like that you pray for my family. For me too because sometimes I find it difficult to seek God's word (read the bible).
WOW, amazing how God is moving in the lives of these boys. How God is using this difficult time to really speak to them and change their lives around.

The afternoon finished with some games and then an english lesson. The english was all about requesting food... "I want tea and cake." We had an english style snack provided for them - tea, coffee, juice, scones, cake and sandwiches with Egg, ham or cheese. It was great to see them coming to the table and speaking in english to request something to eat or drink. The boys were unsure of the tea... especially the idea of adding milk and NO sugar... but they were open to experiment!!

We prayed for them at the end and left them each with a card with their name and it's meaning and a verse that God had spoken for them during our intercession time in the morning!

As I returned them to the detention centre in the kombi, I asked them for a mark out of 10 on how they liked they day, one said 10!! and 100!! Another, "It was so good I want to sing hymns to God!!"So the kombi became filled with joyful spirits, singing worship songs and laughing. Until of course we arrived back at the unit where they would have to return to their cells, but I believe they didn't return to their cells the same person who left... how can you after a day like that. God is moving in these boys lives and it is an honour to see him work.

Please pray for these boys and each boy who comes to the class, praising God for their lives and the opportunity they have to hear Gods word. Pray also for the next "English class outing" which we hope will be 14th August. "Thank you God for such a successful afternoon."

Saturday, 3 August 2013

How does a missionary girl spend her birthday??

Hey all... so 29th of July passed again, and it was my birthday, again!!! At least this year it wasn't my 30th again!!! But I had a very special day for my birthday. I was greeted in the morning by my roommate singing happy birthday, then greeted by other staff members singing again... all before 8am!

In our daily time of 
intercession set aside to start the day my co-workers prayed for me which was very touching.

We climbed in the kombi with bread, coffee and CAKE!!! And I brought some special treats from home that I had secretly stored away for a special day - chewits, dairy milk buttons etc. We arrived on the streets and began to wake up the kids sleeping there.... I was slightly louder and slightly more excitable than my co-workers shouting "Acorde! Acorde!... hoje é meu aniversário!!!" (Wake up, wake up! It's my birthday today!!!)

The kids gradually stretched, rolled over and eventually sat up... waiting...knowing I would have cake!! heehee

We decided to sit in sun and have a 'breakfast' picnic on a blanket!! It was a really special time as two of the boys prayed for me and they all sang 'Parabéns' (Happy Birthday Brazilian style). Then we had a nice time hanging out, eating and singing!!
I had sneaky dessert called açai with Helen... before lunch!!!
After a quick lunch back home, I had a great skype date with my family.... they sang.. four times to me, They had a cupcake with a candle that I had to blow out (with the help of my sister!) all the while sharing around a 'birthday cake hat!!' I also opened my presents with them that they had sent.
Even Granny had the hat on!!!
you can just about see the candle on the cupcake in the bottom of this one!!

In the afternoon we went to visit a teenage boy in prison (detention centre) and then we went to Dorton's family with a cake.... to celebrate together... unfortunately, as is the reality of our work, the families forget when we mark with them and so there was noone home. After leaving a note, Helen and I sat in the kombi... eating the yummy chocolate cake that Jessica had made!!!

When I returned home I was able to have another skype date with my sister Debz and her husband... they both sang to me and gave me an 'air hug'!!!

Monday evenings is bible study night with a fantastic group of english speaking girls! We are studying 'Breaking Free' by Beth Moore. A co-worker and his wife very kindly made an enormous carrot cake.. at my request, which I the took with me to the bible study. It was great to share tea and cake with these lovely ladies. 

God is so good and I can say that he was so good to me on my birthday, I had a wonderful day. Thank you for the many emails and facebook messages sent to me wishing a Happy Birthday.

The cake is so huge we had to put it on the chair!!! It was sooo yummy.. thanks João e Lydia